Dec 4, 2022Liked by Steven

Well done! Homeless individuals want to be seen. They need to be humanized and individualized with specific needs addressed. We must do better! We need to acknowledge that a blanket solution does not work for every person, but I am confident the FTGU program will have a gigantic impact on people with these needs.

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Steven, btw, I love your Lionel Messi sky-pointing hands, giving credit where credit's due.

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You have related a very true experience. I was homeless and went through something similar. Thank you very much for your interest in writing about it. It is a splendid story.

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I'm always blown away when looking STRAIGHT UP to the night sky, and seeing the brightest stars, in a backdrop of the Milky Way. I feel such great Love coming from the unfathomable numbers of advanced, compassionate people there. And we're just a single galaxy in a universe of galaxies!

I want to tell you about Indra's Net. Its an Eastern way of storytelling to reveal reality. Her Net connects every single entity in the universe with every other entity in the universe. A great metaphor, I think.

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The book _The Narcissistic Family_ was a real eye-opener for me. It's a destructive syndrome first discovered among alcoholic families, where the parents' needs are always, always, paramount over the needs of the children. Eventually the syndrome was found among non-alcoholic families also. Like my childhood home was. Luckily my mother took action to educate herself in psychology, and greatly improved the relationships at home. But I still carry the marks, grateful as I am for that home and my parents' efforts at making it nice. One effect was that as a child I never spoke in class, at all, and rarely on the playground. I was without any siblings. (Why Mom, I asked. "We don't like children very much," was the answer, as she walked away. I was five years old.)

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Very good article articulating the problems that keep people on the streets.

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